Title: To Wed the Fae Prince
Author: V. Vervain
Publisher: self-published
Publication date: August 4, 2012
Genre: Adult, paranormal
Pages: 87 (ebook)
Source: From author for review
Etta Cooper has been promised to marry the Prince of the Faeries since before she was born. A move from her mundane life and family take her into the enchanted Faeryland where she is promised to the handsome Bronn, eldest prince of the Fae King, but when Bronn decides he doesn't want her she is betrothed to his elegant, introspective, and... sullen younger brother Farron. Farron is a human hater. Trapped in this lush, beautiful world of faery Etta longs to escape until she begins to spend time with Farron, and their conversations slowly chip away at the frosty, superior mask he wears. Perhaps, just perhaps Farron is exactly the challenge she's been looking for...
I was definitely not expecting what was in this book. Readers have listed it as YA on Goodreads, but it is not a YA book. The age of the main character alone does not dictate how you should categorize a book, people. The
content dictates that much more than anything.
Obviously the plot of the story intrigued me enough to accept the book for review. And I still think it’s a great story. But I was caught off-guard when I thought I was reading a YA paranormal romance and then things got pretty sexually explicit. Once the sexual aspect of the story became the focus, the plot fell apart a bit. I think less emphasis should have been put on erotica and more on the plot.
In Faeryland, time moves different for Etta, and I thought that was a really neat concept. Many stories talk about how eating Fae foods and dancing with them can confuse human minds, and Vervain put that idea into her story quite well. The writing was good, smooth, and quick. I read it in one sitting. There were few spelling and grammar errors, and it’s great to see that from indie/self-published novels.
Although I was a bit upset over the unexpected sexual encounters in the book, I still really enjoyed it. It was a quick read, but I also would have liked for it to be longer. That way more of the interesting plot-lines could have been explored. If you’re going to pick this one up, just be aware of explicit sex scenes. But I would recommend it if you like Fae stories.
Thanks to the author for the ebook review copy!